A downloadable game for Windows

# Magic Rush

A game by Lorenzo Vergani and Alberto Fogliata

This is our submission for ludum dare 47! Hope you like it!

Theme: stuck in a loop
Category: Jam

The old wizard found the book of all the evil in the world, he was not able to handle all that power, so the book made him obsessed and paranoic. One day, trying to protect it, he did a special and antique magic from the book. He was not powerful enough, so he created a Space-Time loop. Only the knowledge contained in the good books can save him. Can you collect them all?

Move with A and D and jump with SPACE.

IDE: Pycharm

Graphics: GIMP

sounds are downloaded from the internet, I made sure they didn't have any copyright


magic rush 1.1.zip 22 MB

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